Overview of the Boards Page
Modified on: Mon, Feb 3 2020 12:28 PMThe Boards Page shows a single-day view of all active people and projects in your company. On this page you can see all your Active projects, the people that are assigned to them, and each project's manpower requests.
From the Boards Page you can make assignments and assignment changes and can create manpower requests for projects. The assignments on this page will be accurate on the day that you are viewing. Check in the top right-hand corner where the calendar icon is located to confirm the day you are viewing.
On the left side of the Boards page is the Resource Bench. This is where you will find all of your currently available or assigned resources, as well as those that are actively taking time off for the current date. To view one of the three options, use the different tabs shown on the Resource Bench below. The current field view can also be searched within, as well as filtered.
One of the ways assignments can be created is by clicking on a card on the Resource Bench and dragging it to the project area. You can also end assignments the same way by removing it from the project area and dropping it back in the Resource Bench. Requests can be filled with the same motion by dropping the resource directly onto the request card.