Assignment States on the Boards Page
Assignment states are used as an identifier for information as it relates to a project assignment.
Below are some general (but not all) uses for Assignment States:
- Can be used to show that someone is assigned on a job for training purposes
- Can be used to indicate if someone is available to be transferred to another assignment
- Can show if someone is expected to be working overtime
If there is an Assignment state attached to an assignment, its abbreviation will be displayed on the assignment card.

To add an assignment state to an assignment, click on the three dots next to the project name within the assignment modal. Select the appropriate assignment state from the drop down list.

You can manage your available Assignment States by clicking on the Assignment States tab in the Settings page.
To create a new Assignment State, select the blue New button. This will bring up the modal in which the Assignment State's name and details are selected.
The same details modal is brought up when selecting the Edit option for an existing Assignment State.