Utilizing Tags on the Boards Page
No two people are alike. Tags should be used to show what makes one person unique or different from another.
Utilizing Tags in LaborChart can help you keep track of all these differences across your workforce, which leads to more efficient decision making when evaluating and scheduling your people.
Common use cases:
- You have a project that must be staffed with individuals who have a certain skill, training, or other attribute.
- You would like to distinguish the Union for a person.
From the Boards page, you can filter resources on your resource bench based on the tags that are associated with them.
To filter the resource bench with a tag:
- Click the gear icon located towards the top of the resource bench
- Select the desired tag(s), then click Apply

You can also view tags when reviewing the details for a person.
Click on the initials on the left-hand side of an assignment card or resource card to review the tags associated with that person.

Some projects may require all assigned resources to hold a specific tag.
When creating assignments from the Boards page, review the required tags for a project by looking within the details bar underneath the project name.