Sorting the Boards Page
The projects on the Boards page can be listed in alphabetical order, by project number, start and end date, or by completion percentage.
Below are instructions on how you can sort your Boards page to your personal preference:
- Click the Sort Projects drop-down, located near the top-left of the page
Select your preferred method of sorting, and the page will automatically update the list
- Name will sort the projects alphabetically
- Project Number sorts the projects from low-to-high based on the project number
- Earliest Start Date puts them in chronological order based on the date the project is set to begin, while Latest Start Date reverses the order
- Earliest and Latest End Date are the same as start date, but are based on the projects' ending date
- Most Complete is based on the completion percentage set in the project's details page. The furthest along projects will be listed at the top. Projects without a completion percentage will revert to alphabetical order.
- Least Complete is also based on completion percentage, with lesser completed projects at the top of the list.

Quickly find a specific project by typing the project name or number in the search bar.