Using the Rapid Assign tool to make bulk assignments from the Boards page
The Rapid Assign tool is a quick way to create multiple assignments on the Boards Page. If you find yourself creating similar assignments over and over, then the Rapid Assign tool is for you.
Below are instructions on how to get started:
First, go to the Boards page and click the rocket icon located towards the top of the resource bench.
This will bring up the configuration modal for the assignment details. When using the Rapid Assign tool, all created assignments will have the same assignment details. In this modal, you can either choose the assignment times to default to the projects' start and end times or set a custom start and end time. You can also choose if your assignment alerts send instantly, at a scheduled time in the future, or not at all.
Once you have entered all of your assignment details, click the Activate button to begin assigning (when Rapid Assign is active, it will be highlighted in blue on the resource bench).
Now, you can drag and drop each needed resource to their respective project without entering assignment details each time. All assignments created while the tool is active will automatically default to the assignment details created above.

Finally, once you have finished assigning your needed resources, make sure to turn Rapid Assign off or all your next assignments will automatically default to the previously created assignment details. To turn off, bring up the configuration modal again and click Deactivate.