Overview of the Gantt Page
The Gantt Page shows a multi-day view of active assignments and requests across all projects and people within your company. The multi-day view can be displayed from 1 day up to 1 year, with several options in between. The date range is found in the top-right corner of the page, next to your currently selected date.
- To select your date range, click the black drop-down arrow and choose your desired range

Each assignment is displayed using assignment color bars that extend based on the assignment duration. The assignments can be grouped by the project they are assigned to or shown within a single list of your people.
To display your desired view, use the Project and People tabs in the top-left corner of the page.
Learn more about the Project and People view, and how to customize them HERE.

Aside from viewing the assignment duration, the assignment color bars can be used to view and edit assignment details.
- Learn how to edit assignments on the Gantt page HERE.
Assignments and manpower requests can also be created from the Gantt Page.