BP Request - Update an Existing Business Partner
BP Request - Update an Existing Business Partner
NOTE: Prior to updating vendor information in CMiC, contact the vendor for an updated W9 form.
NOTE: If the vendors Tax ID number changes, then a new vendor must be set up. A name change is not sufficient for this change.
STEP 1: Go to Communication Management > Business Partner Request
STEP 2: Find: Search for the BP in the and click Go.
STEP 3: Click the pencil icon to view Vendor Information.

STEP 4: Click User Extensions
STEP 5: Click BP Update Request

STEP 6: Click Insert
STEP 7: BP Request: Add Notes: this is where you will add the new information (address, vendor name, “make active” or whatever you need done)
NOTE: If a name change is required, make note here and attach W9 (see below on adding an attachment). Any other BP updates, such as address change, need to be noted here. Date and initials to be included for reference.
STEP 8: Click SAVE.
STEP 9: Click Attachments.
STEP 10: Upload Attachment by clicking Chose Files or by dragging files to box.
STEP 11: Click Upload.
STEP 12: Click Save and Exit.