Adding and Deleting Compliance Codes on a Subcontract
Adding and Deleting Compliance Codes on a Subcontract in Project Management
Adding Compliance Codes to Subcontract
Select the subcontract. See Locating Subcontract Compliance above.
STEP 1: Click (+) to add another line for a new compliance requirement.
STEP 2: System automatically checks the Update button when adding a new Compliance Code. This will add the requirement to any unposted vouchers in the system.
STEP 3: Click on the Compliance Code drop down for the LOV.
STEP 4: Select the code you want to add by clicking on the Code or using the Find option to search. If you have received the requirement information for the code you are adding, you can complete the information at this time.
STEP 5: NOTE: The Compliance Code added in this example is Date Sensitive so Start Date and End Date must be entered. If you have not received the insurance certification, enter the current date in both fields. Do not use Start Date and End Date of requirements that are not Date Sensitive.
STEP 6: The system automatically checks the Date Compl. box because the system views the requirement as being compliant for the day.
STEP 7: The Compl. box is not checked so the requirement will hold payment. For a date sensitive requirement to be compliant, both boxes must be checked.
STEP 8: You can add additional requirements if you need to or Click Save.
If the requirement has not been met at the time you add the code to the subcontract, you can update the record at a later time. See Updating Compliance.
STEP 9: Once you've modified the compliance and saved it, a pop up box will appear asking you to update existing records, click OK.
Deleting Compliance Codes from a Subcontract
If a compliance code was added to a subcontract in error, it can be deleted from the subcontract. Note: If the subcontract has been posted “In Process” and has exported to Textura, the job accountant will need to be notified so they can manually remove the compliance code from the subcontract and/or the Project Requirements in Textura. Deleting a code in CMiC does not remove the code from Textura.
Do not delete PMHOLD. PMHOLD must remain on the subcontract for an image in Workflow to be placed on PMHOLD.
Select the subcontract. See Locating Subcontract Compliance above.
STEP 1: Click the X.
STEP 2: Confirm this is the requirement you want to remove and click OK. If you have selected this in error, click Cancel.
STEP 3: Click Save.
STEP 4: You will receive a message asking if you would like to delete the compliance code from all vouchers. If you do not want this requirement to hold payment on any unpaid vouchers in the system, click Yes. Note: If you click No, the compliance code will remain on the voucher compliance. If No was click in error or it is decided later it needs to be removed from the voucher, the job accountant must go into compliance in Accounts Payable and manually remove the code.
STEP 5: Click Close.