AP Voucher - Enter Voucher
AP Voucher - Enter Voucher
On the Enterprise treeview:
STEP 1: Click on Accounts Payable > Enter Vouchers
STEP 2: Train 1 Enter Invoices - Enter the name of your Batch, then click "Create Batch" (Required)
- Fill Out Required Fields (a-h, with e as optional - Alt Address)
- Invoice # - No special characters, no spaces, and all caps.
- Then Click "Distribution" to allocate cost coding.
STEP 3: Enter cost coding and click "Accept." To enter more Vouchers, Click "Save and New" in Enter Voucher Main Page.
STEP 4: Train 2 Print Edit List - Select the Batch you want to view report. Click "Print".
STEP 5: Click "Run Report"
STEP 6: Train 3 Post Invoices - Select Batch to Post, Enter Post Date, and then click "Post Batch"