How To: Tracking Marketing Workload Throughout Opportunity Lifecycle
During an Opportunity's lifecycle, there could be multiple Marketing Staff assigned to support different stages (i.e., RFQ, RFP, and Interview) of the pursuit. To better track historical and current allocations for Marketers throughout the entire pursuit, please follow the process outlined below to ensure the Marketer is correctly assigned on the opportunities they are working on.
The Steps
Assigning a Marketer can be done via the Opportunity Grid.
- However, only use the Grid to assign a Marketer if no other Staff was previously assigned. NOTE - you can't modify Percent Involved via the Grid unfortunately. See Step 2 for further instruction.
- While you are on the Grid, please ensure the correct Submittal Type/Effort Level is selected.
- Opportunity life cycle dates can also be updated to ensure accurate dates are listed for resource planning.
Use the Staff Team section within the Opportunity record to assign or update Marketer(s) assignment. To “activate” or "deactivate" the Marketer listed or when updating to add an additional Marketer the following steps are necessary.
- Modify/Add % involved field in the Staff Team Section to be one (1) and one (1) only
- If exchanging a Marketer for another phase of the pursuit
- Edit existing Marketer’s % involved and change to zero (0)
Update the description section to indicate phase of pursuit worked on
- Add new Marketer and ensure % involved is one (1) and one (1) only
- Update the description section to indicate phase of pursuit worked or is working on

Example Use Case
An RFQ comes in the door (or is coming) and is assigned to Rachel
Add Rachel as the Marketing Lead to the Opportunity under Staff team (or via the Grid if it isn’t in the door yet)
- Ensure % involvement is populated with one (1) if actively working on it
- Make a note in the description they are working on the RFQ
- Add any Marketing Support roles/staff with the same process
- The RFP came in and was assigned to a different Marketing Lead and Marketing Support
- Edit % involved for existing Marketing Lead and any Support staff to be zero (0)
Add the New Marketing Lead and Support roles and associated staff
- Ensure % involvement is populated with one (1)
- Make a note in the description what phase of the pursuit they are working on
Video Instructions