Jobs in Progress (JIP) Log
Jobs in Progress (JIP) Log -
The Job in Progress (JIP) Log is located in Boomi. This log provides project teams with important information regarding the status of the JIP Workflow/creation process.
- It can be accessed as a record of the data entered during the job start process at any point in time.
- It can be accessed to review progress of Job Start approval workflows - including PJob, JIP, SDI Waiver, and Job Folder creation workflows.
- It can be accessed to launch the Boomi Payment and Performance Bond form.
NOTE: Boomi is best run in Chrome, rather than Internet Explorer.
STEP 1: Navigate to the JIP Log by clicking Swinerton Links>Job Start Log on the CMiC Treeview Menu.

This will take you to Boomi. There you will be able to search for your project.
STEP 2: When the Boomi JIP Log loads, type the Bid Job or JIP number into the Search field and click Enter (or press the magnifying glass) to do a general search across all of the columns in the Bid Jobs table below.
NOTE: Alternatively, you may also click the + icon next to "Filter" and utilize the available Opportunity #, Bid Job #, Depart #, and Start/End Date filter fields to do a more refined search based on columns in the field.
Once you've found your desired project, you'll notice the job Status column near the right side of the table indicating PJOB Workflow Completed, JIP Workflow Completed, or ERROR (if the PJob workflow has been unsuccessful).
Click on the corresponding eye icon (in the Actions column) to navigate to the Boom JIP Form (aka Boomi Job Start Form).

STEP 3: If the Save button on the Boomi JIP (Job Start) Form is greyed out, then that means the Boomi JIP Form has been submitted by the Unanet User and the JIP Workflow approval process has launched. If the Boomi JIP Form is submitted, then the Save button is greyed out and no more edits can be made. Click on the Workflow History page to review step-by-step progress of the JIP Workflow approval process.
NOTE: The Workflow History tab also shows progress of the SDI Waiver approval workflow and the Job Folder creation workflow, if applicable.
If the Save button is not greyed out, then that means the form can still be edited/saved. The top menu indicates a percentage of completion for required fields on each page. The percentages will help you identify which pages are incomplete. You can then look at any of the pages to validate the information that was entered and input information as necessary.
Once you've completed all of the required fields on the Boomi JIP Form (each pages shows 100%), click the Save button and then notify your Unanet User Liaison. They will review the form once more and officially submit.
Once the form is submitted, the JIP Workflow approval process launches and no more edits can be made to the form. The Save button will become greyed out (unavailable).