Construction KPIs > Metric Heat Map Screen
This article describes the Metric Heat Map page on the Construction KPIs Power BI report.
The purpose of this page is to direct leadership attention to quickly identify jobs they may need to review in more detail.
To do so, the page sorts all jobs by metrics exception count. Jobs with the most exceptions appear on top by default. For this page, only "RED" exceptions contribute to the exception count.
Below is a listing of all metrics and what the exception thresholds are.
In addition to each individual construction metric, the report table includes the following:
Job Code Name: There is a single row per each job, based on the report filter selections described above.
Exception Count: The count of "Red" metric exceptions for the job
- Cost % Complete
Scheduled Substantial % Complete: Based on the start date of the job and Scheduled Substantial Complete, as entered in CMIC Forecast Comments "Month End Schedule" section. This will be the same Scheduled Substantial as Box 9 on the Project Status Report.
Scheduled Substantial % Complete= Duration From Start / Projected Duration
Duration From Start = Days between Period End Date and Job Start Date
Projected Duration =Days between Scheduled Substantial Date and Job Start Date
Note Red color on Schedule Substantial % Complete indicates that there is no % value that was computed for this job for the given period. This can happen when :
- No Scheduled Substantial Completion Date was entered
Report link:
Report Filters/Sorting
Filters on the page:
- Mandatory: Month Year. Use this to select the data periodm usually the most recent contract forecast period.
- Optional: Use these slicers to filter for a shorter list of jobs.
- Region
- Division
- Department
How to select multiple Region, Division, or Department values: Hold [SHIFT] + [CTRL] when selecting from the drop-down slicers.
How to change table sort order: Click on the column header to sort by that column. By default the report sorts by Exception Count (descending)
Metric Threshold Values
Swinerton Fee%
Forecasted Fee $ / Revenue Forecast $ = Forecasted Fee %. We want this to be over 5%.
< 3%
3 - 5%
> 5%
Cost vs Schedule% Complete
Difference between Cost % Complete and Scheduled Substantial % Complete.
> 10%
< 5%
Buyout Progress
Buyout progress evaluates Buyout % Complete in the context of Scheduled Substantial % Complete.
Buyout % Complete = (Spent / Committed To Date) / Forecast Cost
Buyout is identified by category = 71140*
This metric begins to be measured against goals once the project is 10% Scheduled % Complete:
- At less than 10% Scheduled Substantial % Complete, any Buyout % Complete is green / acceptable.
- If over 10% Schedule Substantial % Complete, then the job should be over 85% bought out. Anything less than 65% is red / bad. 65% - 85% is flagged/yellow.
* Note: Timberlab jobs use category codes 71120, 71130, 71140, 71145
Scheduled Substantial % Complete >= 10%
Buyout % Complete less than 65%
Scheduled Substantial % Complete >= 10%
Buyout % Complete between 65 % -85%
Scheduled Substantial % Complete" < 10%
Scheduled Substantial % Complete >= 10%
Buyout % Complete>85%
Contingency Variance
Contingency Variance = Contingency % Used (Cost) vs. Cost % Complete.
Contingency is defined by Category code = 71190
- Contingency % Used (Cost) = Contingency Remaining $ / Original Continency Budget $
- Contingency Remaining $ = Original Continency Budget $ - Current Contingency Budget $
Note Cost is never charged to contingency directly.
> 10%
5 - 10%
< 5%
Allowance Variance
Allowance Variance = Allowance % Used vs. Cost % Complete
Allowance is defined by Category code = 71180
Allowance % Used = Allowance Remaining $ / Original Allowance Budget $
Allowance Remaining $ = Original Allowance Budget $ - Current Allowance Budget $
Note Cost is never charged to Allowance directly.
> 10%
5 - 10%
< 5%
GCs vs Schedule % Complete
Variance between GCs % Complete (from PSR box 1) and Scheduled Substantial % Complete. GCs are identified by the phase type GC.
> 10%
5 - 10%
< 5%
GRs vs Schedule % Complete
Variance between GRs % Complete (from PSR box 1) and Scheduled Substantial % Complete. GCs are identified by the phase type GR
> 10%
5 - 10%
< 5%
Labor vs Schedule % Complete
Variance between Labor % Complete and Scheduled Substantial % Complete.
> 10%
< 5%
Unposted External PCIs
Total Unposted external PCIs versus the current owner contract value.
Total Unposted External PCI count is the count of PCIs on the last day of the calendar month for the selected Year Month on the screen
> 3%
< 2%
Unposted External PCIs Proceeding
Total Unposted external PCIs Proceeding versus the current owner contract value.
Total Unposted External PCI Proceeding count is the count of PCIs on the last day of the calendar month for the selected Year Month on the screen
> 1.5%
1 – 1.5%
< 1%
Schedule Completion Variance
# days variance between the Schedule Current Contract Completion date and the Schedule Substantial Completion (from schedule data on PSR - Box 9)
CDs=Calendar Days
<= 0
Cash Status<250K
Net Cash
less than -$250k
-$50k to -$250k
> -$50k
Amount over or underbilled (PSR Box 5) Over (Under) Billing
less than -$250k
-$50k to -$250k
> -$50k
Concrete Labor vs Schedule % Complete
Variance between completed Labor % Complete on the concrete job versus Scheduled Substantial % Complete
> 10%
Drywall Labor vs Schedule % Complete
Variance between completed Labor % Complete on the drywall job versus Scheduled Substantial% Complete
> 10%
Concrete Schedule Variance
# days variance between the Schedule Current Contract Completion date and the Scheduled Substantial Completion (from schedule data on PSR) on the concrete job
> 30
< =0
Drywall Schedule Variance
# days variance between the Schedule Current Contract Completion date and the Scheduled Substantial Completion (from schedule data on PSR) on the drywall job
< =0
SP-Labor Variance
SP-Unposted External PCIs
> 3%
< 2%
SP-Cash Status
less than -$250k
-$50k to -$250k
more than -$50k